February 3, 2025

Latest product releases: February 2025

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Sam Yeats
What's new in TeamForm? Here are all the new features, integrations and performance updates we made in February.
Credit to Anna Yashina
What's new in TeamForm? Here are all the new features, integrations and performance updates we made in February.

Strategy View

We have heard your feedback and have overhauled our strategy view so that it is much more focused on the team you are viewing relative to the strategy and work.

We know you are busy so faster load times certainly help, you can now navigate items by smart headers which allow you to navigate quickly to the top or bottom of the screen and expand all or collapse all of a given item type. We now support pinning an item to the canvas and offer a convenient full screen mode, a new way of structuring items by type in their own column with a header that allows you to expand and collapse.

Finally if you have more than one team working on an item you can expand the card to see what other teams are contributing. If you have feedback on or input into where this capability is going, we’d love to hear from you!

Public API

TeamForm’s customer facing API now provides a comprehensive way to search for tags applied to people and teams with the new searchAppliedTags endpoint.

Applied tags can be filtered based on the ids of the teams and people they have been applied to, as well as by tag and tag type. Clients can also make use of the modifiedAfterparameter to only retrieve recent changes. This modifiedAfter parameter is now also available on the searchTeams endpoint, and will be coming to the searchMemberships and searchPeople endpoints shortly.


Allocations in TeamForm have supported start and end dates for many months now, but it has been difficult to view this new data in our Forecast tab. TeamForm can now show these scheduled allocation numbers alongside the forecasted numbers entered by users over the planning periods. Scheduled FTE numbers are shown in purple and represent a prorated aggregate of allocated FTE from the start to the end of the planning period.

This feature can be toggled on by an admin via Workspace Feature FlagsShow scheduled FTE in forecast and Prefill from scheduled FTE in forecast .

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