
Latest product releases: March 2024

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March 30, 2024
Sam Yeats
Credit to Anna Yashina
What's new in TeamForm? Check out our newest features and improvements.

Learn about new features and enhancements from our latest releases.


  • TeamForm for Jira: TeamForm now seamlessly integrates with Jira! Use your TeamForm data to link teams to work in Jira – find and select teams to link to work in Jira, scope your projects to particular teams, set up and configure the TeamForm Jira app to sync with your TeamForm data.
Linking teams in TeamForm to work in Jira


  • Single App: Migration to single app has been completed simplifying the way TeamForm can be shared across users. To improve our speed of development, the directory has now been merged with the TeamForm app as a common experience, the experience is simplified to directory features only based on access profile.
  • Performance: Significant performance improvements have been released.
  • Search: Ability to search by external system identifiers.

Want to learn about what's on the TeamForm Product Roadmap? Click to setup a call.